Sunday, May 2, 2010

9 Herbs For Home Remedies Hair

Home Remedies Hair

Certain herbs can be a natural home remedy for hair loss and encourage healthy growth of hair. Everyone I know wants free flowing, fuller, shiny and beautiful hair as this is one of the most noticeable attributes we display and describes our beauty as a whole.

When we start to notice a sudden hair fall it can be a nightmare to anybody and  in a panic people start looking for a cure for hair loss. For starters this could be a sign of Alopecia, which does occur in both men, and women. The fact is that most people in general are more conscious about their hair than they are for their overall health.

Hair loss can occur due to deficiency of nutrients in the body, sudden gain or loss in weight or due to prolonged suffering from any disease just to name a few major causes.

Women will generally face hair loss due to anaemia or pregnancy, which is usually linked to side effects of some medications. With changes in hormones or thyroid issues hair can fall out rapidly. This can be very scary for most people, me included when I had the same issue. I will share some of my research showing you 9 herbs I used for natural home remedies for hair loss.

Herbal Hair Loss Treatments

Using natural home remedies, hair loss can be controlled without spending allot of money. Now-a-days a number of hair loss shampoos, hair loss vitamins or hair oils are promoted through marketing and those are readily accessible to everybody online but if you use natural home remedies, hair loss can be stopped for allot less money.

There are naturally occurring herbs have been scientifically tested have a positive affect on hair loss and most hair loss vitamins these days included them in their ingredients.

1. SAW PALMETTO: is the most powerful natural herb you can get for hair loss. There have been numerous clinical studies backing up the prevention of hair loss and actual hair growth. It can be found in hair loss vitamins like Provillus and Advecia .

2. ALOE VERA GEL: Improves blood circulation in the scalp and stimulates hair growth. This is how the popular hair loss treatment Rogaine works but this method cost ¼ the cost. The application of aloe directly on the scalp does prevent hair loss and promotes growth of hair.

3. ARNICA MASSAGE OIL: Extracted from the dried arnica flowers has inflammable properties that prevent dandruff making the scalp healthier and encouraging hair growth. The oil also stimulates the hair follicles and strengthens the hair and can help prevent premature greying of the hair.

4. Birch: Is a hidden natural home remedy for hair loss that many people don’t know about. Birch oil promotes hair growth and can prevent thinning of hair.

5. GREEN TEA: Has many benefits and has catechins (Antioxidants) that stops Alopecia in the scalp. Drinking 3-4 cups of green tea daily or taking green tea capsules is yet another home remedy for hair loss.

6. Brahmi: Also has antioxidant properties and it provides nourishment to the hair and promotes growth of the hair. Moreover it fights dandruff and prevents the hair from splitting.

7. ORGANIC CHAMOMILE TEA: Stops and prevents dandruff by preventing dryness of the scalp which causes dandruff. It also strengthens the hair follicles and can help prevent hair damage caused by medications or hair styling.

8. Catmint Herb: Is used for rinsing the hair after it has been washed. This prevents scalp irritating or itching of the scalp, which in turn prevents hair loss.

9. Onion: This one surprised me but they can help in hair growth if applied externally before washing off the hair. Onion is rich in sulphur, which helps in the healing of any damage on the scalp.
 I found a good source for natural vitamins and herbs (Which are cheaper than Ebay) is Puritan's Pride. They always have a Buy 1 Get 2 FREE Sale.
Preventing hair loss with a natural home remedy still largely depends on the general health of the body and diet. Consuming all the required vitamins for hair loss and drinking plenty of water contributes to shiny and attractive hair. See this complete list of foods for hair loss .

Read more useful Home Remedies for Grey Hair . Also find simple and effective Home Remedies for Hair Loss .

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Linda said...
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